Tropical friezes and cluster-additive functions via Fock-Goncharov duality and a conjecture of Ringel (with P. Cao and J.-H. Lu), submitted, arXiv: 2311.17712.
Y-frieze patterns, submitted, arXiv: 2311.03073.
Friezes of cluster algebras of geometric type (with M. Huang and J.-H. Lu), submitted, arxiv: 2309.00906.
In preparation
Cluster tori for finite type and Bott-Samelson varieties (with J.-H. Lu).
On fixed points of the Fomin-Zelevinsky twist
Y-cluster algebras
Conferences attended
April 2024: Workshop on formal proofs and Lean, National University of Singapore
March 2024: Continued fractions and SL2 tilings, Durham University
October 2023: Arbeitsgemeinschaft in cluster algebras, MFO
September 2023: Cluster algebras, representation theory and algebraic geometry, HKU
June 2023: Higher structures in geometry and mathematical physics, IHP Paris
June 2022: New trends in representation theory, AMSI-MSRI Winter School
January 2021: Global young scientist summit, Singapore (Online)
August 2019: Toric varieties, MSRI Summer Graduate School, NCTS Taipei
June 2019: ICCM, Tsinghua University
Selected talks
May 2024: Digitalising mathematics in Lean, HKU (slides)
March 2024: Y-frieze patterns, Durham University
September 2023: Patterns from the duality pairing, HKU
June 2023: Cluster-additive functions, Paris Algebra Seminar (held at the IHP)
May 2023: Cluster-additive functions and frieze patterns with coefficients, Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar (Online)
2023: Introduction to total positivity in reductive groups (HKU Geometry seminar).
2022: Algebra II (HKU).
2021: Linear Algebra I, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra (HKU).
2020: University Mathematics II, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra (HKU).
2019: University Mathematics II, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra (HKU).